Thursday, June 28, 2012

Homemade Elderflower syrup/ Hjemmelavet Hyldeblomst saft

So much has happened since arriving here in Denmark, 
and yet we have only been here for just over a month.
One thing I thought I would share for now is the making of elderflower syrup.
I am loving the abundance of wild herbs and foods here, one such abundance is the Elders, they are absolutely everywhere, and I am very much looking forward for the 
berries to start ripening come autumn. 
This is the first time I have made the elderflower syrup, which is very popular here, 
and used widely mixed with water, in both the carbonated and still versions.
I immagine it will be wonderful in white wine or champagne as well as with water, how it is traditionally served here.
There is all kinds of folklore attached to the elderberry tree here in Denmark.
For one the tree is, since olden days, said to keep trouble away from the house near which it grows,
 and you must ask "hyldemor" or mother elder for permission before cutting from her tree.

The syrup is very easy to make and this is how I did it...

 First I cut a basket full of the flowers, the flowers should be fully blooming.

 Back at my moms (we move to the country side august 1st) I cut the main stems from the flowers as these will make the syrup bitter.
 Then in 3 liters (just short of 1 gallon) of boiling water dissolve 1kg (2.2 pounds) of organic sugar.
That is a lot of sugar, and I would like to try with honey next time although I imagine it will change the flavor quite a bit. If I had Rappadura I would use that, 
but have not found it here yet, nor looked for that matter:)
Once the sugar is dissolved remove the pot from the heat and add three sliced organic lemons and the flowers. Make sure the flowers are completely covered, put the lid on and allow to cool completely before placing in the fridge for 4 days, stirring a couple of times daily. 
 After four days, strain and pour in sterilized glass bottles (sterilize like when making jam, by lowering bottle into boiling water for a few minutes) and keep in the fridge.
The syrup can also be frozen in plastic bottles to keep longer. 
The way it is served here is 1 part syrup to 3-4 parts water.
The smell is heavenly and the taste is sweet and summery...


  1. Oh, Christina - the picture of you took my breath. You look so at home. So yourself. And now I am wishing for a taste of the syrup. You have given me peace this afternoon, where there had been nothing but worry and hustle.

    1. Kristen,
      I can always count on you for a lovely comment, thank you!
      I do indeed feel so at home, amazing that after so many years away, this country still resonates so deeply with my soul. Hoping your day is better by now!

  2. SO nice to see you back here!!!! The colour of your syrup is beautiful!

  3. hej christina
    velkommen tilbage til danmark!
    ...det gjorde mig ondt at læse om din fars bortgang for nogle måneder siden.Det er så svært at finde det rigtige at skrive i en sådan situation til et fremmed menneske, selvom man meget gerne vil,så jeg må tilstå, at jeg nøjedes med at sende dig lys og god energi i tankerne på daværende tidspunkt, istedet for at kommentere.jeg kan kun forestille mig, hvor hårdt det må være, men du virker heldigvis som en meget stærk person, fyldt med evnen til at se på livet fra den lyse side og virkelig værdsætte skønheden i alle de små øjeblikke.

    tak for opskriften! glæder mig til at høre mere fra din rejse i naturen rundt om i verden,nu danmark, den inspirerer og glæder mig meget!
    kh birgitte
    (hende der anbefalede dig det med det marokkanske thehus og solspejlet(som jo nu desværre har lukket deres butik for et par uger siden, snøft!)da du var her i foråret.

    1. Birgitte,
      Tak for de søde ord!
      Hvor er jeg ked af at høre at Solspejlet har lukket, ville ønske at jeg lige kunnet have nået derind:)

  4. At last!! It's so good to pop by and read your 'story' again! Beautiful pics as usual! I hope you are settling in happily although you are sure to be more content when you get to the countryside!
    Thanks for the elder blossom lesson - she is a beautiful tree, isn't she?

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. wonderful! thank you for sharing! nice to come and "see" you at your blog after a long time of minimizing computer time. my elderberry plants are growing big but i do not have quite enough to fill the basket yet. :)warmest wishes! ~emily

  7. You and your blog have been deeply missed. I was so excited when I saw you had made a new post.


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