Tuesday, January 24, 2012

On a cold clear day



  1. All of it was lovely, but the dog made me smile bravely. Such loveliness. Are you seeing the northern lights?

  2. Kristen,
    I wish I had but no, I looked to the skies in the earlier part of the night but did not see those magnificent lights.
    And Kristen, as always thank you for stopping by and taking the time to comment, it means a lot!

  3. thanks for sharing...love the dock pic and, I agree, the dog pic brought a huge grin to my face. peace be yours.

  4. Dear Christina....I have actually read your blog since, i guess the summer of 2010, when you had just started.I found it through childhood magic before it stopped....but this is the first time im commenting on a blog - or anything else on the internet for that matters....ever!. I guess i have always felt to shy in a weird way.But i have always thought that if i ever were to comment on a blog -it would be yours. last week i almost did, when you wrote about your father and his illlness.I wanted to comment because you give out so much energy from your blog and i so wanted to try to give you something back for all the inspiration and light i get from the beautifull space, you have created.and so i started to think: what could i possibly do or say that could help you where you are right now in any small way?and then I thought that I recognised copenhagen in one of your pictures, which means that you are not in jylland, I think ( yes, im actually danish and writing to you from denmark, where i live - it was so funny, way back, when you in one of your posts revealed that you were actually danish, after i had read your blog for a long time).
    anyway, since you seem to be near copenhagen, im giving you in this difficult time the" gift" of some of my most cherished spots in that city, its where i go when im in there and I need a minute to realax or be inspired or healed from the sometimes very overwhelming pace of the city- i guess its just the places i go to feel light or good energy or whatever.so here is my list :number one: botanisk have- go into the biggest greenhouse there, sit on a corner bench quitly,close your eyes and dream yourself away to the rainforests of the world smelling the plants and feeling the warmth.Number two: Then after at least half an hour( preferabley more) of soaking up the energy of the rainforest, you go to frederiksborggade, which crosses nørrefarimagsgade and right before the bridge to nørrebro you will find "solspejlet", which it the most wonderfull little beautifull toystore in the city( the only waldorf toystore in the city) - just go inn, browse and fill up your inner well with pictures of toys and good books and the smell of beeswax and wood.they will let you walk around undisturbed for ages, very nice quit people).Are you done? So now you need a nice cup of mint-tea and a wonderfull veggiesamosa! go to the maroccan teahouse "the a la menthe"which is situated sort of almost on the corner of gammeltorv( or nytorv) between strøget and kompagniestræde(you will find it!).and fuel your body. bring a blank notebook and just do automatic writing for three pages -just empty your mind- no rules. read it and see where you are right now, what your own soul needs at this moment in these difficult times....and try your best to honour it.
    I wish you a wonderfull couple of hours, soak up as much good energy for both mind and body as you can.remember that you are a such a strong and beautifull spirit!that much I do know from reading your posts for a year and a half!(smile)
    take care,

    ....p.s...I didnt at all plan to dare to make my first blog-comment today, but when i saw your own comment to another reader, that the comments mean a lot to you i thought that I had to do it....TODAY...and so i did. sorry that it became quite a long one...

  5. Kœre "Denmark"
    Hvor er det sødt af dig at kommentere trods at du føler dig genert.
    Det gør mig altid glad når jeg hører at denne blog på den ene eller den anden måde
    betyder noget for dem som lœser med.
    Jeg gik faktisk igennem botanisk have den anden dag og har også vœret en tur i Solspejlet et par gange allerrede, det er
    en skøn lille butik! Dog har jeg ikke besøgt eller set "the al a menthe", så det vil jeg holde øje med.
    Tusinde tak for din søde hilsen og "gave"..
    Med varme,

  6. hej igen christina, hvor er det skægt at du allerede har været to af stederne, men så ramte jeg jo i hvert fald plet. ja, solspejlet er helt vidunderlig, jeg har selv en femårig søn, der går i waldorfbørnehave om formiddagen og om eftermiddagen er hjemme med mig, så jeg er ofte derinde og finde dejlige ting,til at supplere med noget af det mere almindelige legetøj som han også har.( opdagede iøvrigt engang du skrev om fødselsdagsfejring, at vi har født vores sønner på nøjagtigt samme dag, samme år - morsomt) jeg fik derfor gode ideer til navnefødseldagsbanner som jeg vand-og-nålefiltede i regnbuefarver( hans yndlings), da jeg ikke kan strikke - tak for det. han blev så glad for det at det nu hænger permanent på hans værelse og kun bliver taget ned hvert år på selve dagen, hvor jeg filter så en ny figur med tal på, som jeg skifter ud med velcrobånd på det sidste flag)
    cafeen jeg nævnte ligger i rådhusstræde nr.5, men skal stå med ryggen til strøget kan man sige med front i retning af rådhuspladsen og så på nytorv dreje til venstre og så dukker den op på samme fortorv i løbet af højest et minut. der er jo selvfølgelig også mange andre dejlige cafeer i byen, men nu var det lige den der faldt mig ind,fordi de både har god stemning og god mad!
    god fornøjelse hvis du når derind!

  7. Imagining you all in the light together, held in Love and full of blessings. x

  8. amazing photos :) thats a big old stick to fetch lol


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